Mother Earth is a combination of projects - Cascina and Madre Pane - which investigates anthropological rites and traditional Italian practices, through the production of artifacts made with historical craft techniques, using local clays.
Cascina is a series of storage pots in Cotto Lombardo, a specific mix of clays from Lombardy region, that feature an exterior of rawness and tactile experience combined with the particular aesthetic of this material, characterized by rich veins.
This "poor" ceramic material was used in the nineteenth century and up to the first half of the twentieth century in rural architecture in Lombardy, from which the name “Cascina” derives.

Madre Pane.
The bread stamps are one of the historical expressions of pastoral art in the Southern Italy, in particular in the area of Matera where until the first half of the twentieth century people marked the bread before baking it in the communal ovens.
This ritual practice allowed the owner to be able to recognize the family’s bread once cooked in the municipal oven.

Made in hand carved wood, they represented symbols linked to the pastoral world, often with apotropaic meaning, while the mark indicated the owner’s initials or the effigy of the family.
Madre Pane investigates this Italian tradition through a collection of bread stamps with a symbolic and ornamental value, stylized figures conceived as small sculptures of the domestic landscape.

The abstract representation of Egg, Mother Hen, Tree and Millstone, refers respectively to the meanings of birth, maternal protection, growth and strength.
Made by refractory ceramic, a tactile and raw material used in bakery ovens, the collection is finished in various colours.
The mark, designed to bring back the owner’s initial, completes the stamp respecting the original tradition.


De Martino, Ernesto. Sud e magia. Feltrinelli Editore, 2000

De Martino, Ernesto. La terra del rimorso. Contributo a una storia religiosa del Sud. Il saggiatore, 2015

Albera, Dionigi; Blok, Anton; Bromberger, Christian. Antropologia del Mediterraneo. Guerini Scientifica, 2007

Del Parigi, Angelo; Demetrio, Rosalba. Antropologia di un labirinto urbano. I Sassi di Matera. Osanna Edizioni, 1994

Seppilli, Tullio. Scritti di antropologia culturale. I. I problemi teorici, gli incontri di culture, il mondo contadino. II. La festa, la protezione magica, il potere. Olschki, 2008

Pinna, Franco; Carpitella, Diego. Viaggio nelle terre del silenzio. Reportage dal profondo sud 1950-1959. Idea Editions, 1980

Franco Pinna Fotografie 1944 -1977. Motta Editore, 1996

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. Il crudo e il cotto. Il saggiatore, 2015

Mauss, Marcel. Teoria generale della magia. Einaudi, 2000

Mauss, Marcel. Saggio sul dono. Forma e motivo dello scambio nelle società arcaiche. Einaudi, 2002

Levi, Carlo. Cristo si è fermato a Eboli. Einaudi, 2014

Maraschin, Donatella. Pasolini: Cinema e antropologia. Peter Lang Pub Inc, 2014

DESIGNED by Roberto Sironi Studio
PH by Federico Villa